That Saturday Baking Bullshit


OH SATURDAY MORNINGS. A glorious time of sweatpants, sinking into the couch, and long sips of coffee. Bless your damned soul, Saturday morning. Stay forever – will ya?

In my more aggressive early twenties, I would jump out of bed (no hangover!), squeeze into spandex (what love handles?), and speed over to a yoga class at Equinox (disposable income!) without even a thought about slowing down to embrace the laze. But – alas –  a lot has changed since then, and I have now come to appreciate (and love) a slower weekend morning.

My favorite way to start off the weekend is whipping up a batch of somethin’ somethin’ in my PJs using whatever I have on hand in the cupboard. There is something special about starting off the weekend treating yourself with a pastry. A batch of muffins instantly makes the house smell like a bakery and makes you feel like a domestic goddess! (You could totally win the Great British Bakeoff! You are savvy and great in the kitchen! Any man would be damned lucky to wake up to a home-baked breakfast pastry!) Oh sorry, I digress…


Last Saturday I started the weekend with these (vegan!) persimmon coffee cake muffins, which sound like a lot of bougie bullshit, but was all I could churn out without a grocery run. I had no butter or eggs (had to be vegán – sry haters) and three overly ripe, almost-rotting Hachiya persimmons on the counter that I had to put out of their misery. Anywhoo – these were bomb and that’s why I’m writing about them on this blog!


Recipe here

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